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Aslam Alikum

I am writing to express my keen interest in applying for a provisional medical license under Tennessee state law, as I understand the deadline for application is December 31, 2024. Due to my current commitments and limited time, I would greatly appreciate any guidance or assistance in securing a job offer from an accredited program in Tennessee, which is a prerequisite for my application.

I am a physician currently in my first year of General Practice (GP) training in the United Kingdom. I am highly interested in pursuing Family Medicine as my primary specialization and would also consider Emergency Medicine, having worked in the field for two years in the UK.

I kindly request your assistance in identifying potential job opportunities that meet the licensure requirements.

Thank you

Ziad Elarbi

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حملة الكشف المبكر لحديثي الولادة لشهر اكتوبر ونوفمبر الحالي👼🏻

جامعة بنغازي ، كلية الطب البشري بالتعاون مع مكتب خدمة المجتمع

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