Assela Nouri

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I am a dedicated and resilient woman with a strong commitment to the field of medicine, aspiring to become an orthopedic surgeon. My passion for surgery, combined with my skills and mental fortitude, drives my ambition to excel in this specialty. I have gained valuable experience through extensive volunteering at Benghazi Medical University, where I have honed my clinical skills and deepened my understanding of patient care. Additionally, I am proficient in English at a C level and am currently learning German to enhance my communication abilities in diverse settings. My unwavering faith and love for my work motivate me to continually strive for excellence in my medical career.


حملة الكشف المبكر لحديثي الولادة لشهر اكتوبر ونوفمبر الحالي👼🏻

جامعة بنغازي ، كلية الطب البشري بالتعاون مع مكتب خدمة المجتمع

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