Comments to I have brugada...!
    • Very educated patient, but seems impolite to shout at his doctor 😀!

      His EKG is consistent with type-1 (Covid) Brugada pattern, but since he is asymptomatic, or at least did not indicate other features (e.g., family history..etc) he does not have the syndrome.

      Need more history. May be worth doing some images on him. His left axes may be still in keeping with his age.

      • What are the impact of the type on patient management ?

        I ordered echocardiography came back normal 

        he had no family history and refuse ICD in the past 

        • That is good news for him. Would treat conservatively. Not sure would give him an ICD if his EF is normal and he is asymptomatic with no strong family history. The same genetic defect SCNa5, may lead to conduction disease, so that is something you can also watch for. 

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