Fathi Idris

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Cardiologist (Interventional / EP) - Nashville - USA

ACC 2024 - Atlanta

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PREVENT trial!

Hot from ACC 24. 

Very interesting findings. “Preventive PCI” may work!!

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Libyan friends at ACC 24 in Atlanta. It was fun!

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Routine EKG reading. What is the rhythm?

Please choose an answer from the list below before you review the answer in the attached video.

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Routine EKG reading. What is the rhythm?

Please choose an answer from the list below before you review the answer in the attached video.

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Congratulations!! Dr. @Naiela E. Almansouri for a recent publication (detailed below). A nice review of Entresto vs. ACEi/ARB for renal and cardiac outcomes (35 months). Well-written!


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This EKG was taken from a 63 y-o male in the ED with chest pain.

(Answer in video below).

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Very interesting concept. I believe it works well as well in teaching.


is the ratio of positive to negative interactions necessary to make a team successful. This means that it takes about three positive comments, experiences, or expressions to fend off the languishing effects of one negative. Dip below this tipping point, now known as the Losada Line, and workplace performance quickly suffers. Rise above it—ideally, the research shows, to a ratio of 6 to 1—and teams produce their very best work.

• Best positive to negative ratio 3-1 to 6-1.

• Interestingly, Fredrickson found that 3:1 was the ratio at which people began to flourish outside work as well. Her research revealed that when people have three positive thoughts to every negative thought, they are more optimistic, are happier, and feel more fulfilled (2:1 was considered “languishing” and 1:1 was “depressed”). There’s an old saying that “bad news comes in threes.” Instead of just accepting this depressing adage, try to balance every piece of bad news with three good pieces of good news.

Why a skewed ratio? Shouldn’t one positive neutralize a negative? No. Research has emphatically proven that because we naturally give more weight to negatives, it takes more positives to balance them out.

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I missed the company of these two great guys at the House of Kebob restaurant here in Nashville last night. Next time ISA!

@Mohsin Salih @Mohamed Zghouzi

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Among several approaches for "safe femoral access" to reduce groin complications, is the use of the small-sized micro puncture kit to perform limited angiography before proceeding with large bore sheath insertion.

The video below, shows 1st the access was rather low in the SFA.

After repeat access, the location is appropriate in CFA in the 2nd video.

/ Interventional Cardiology

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A 41-year-old lady who presented with syncope. In the emergency room, her high sensitivity troponin went from 48 to 183 in 1 hour. She reported mild shortness of breath and chest pain on exertion.

What was the likely mechanism of her syncope? (answered in the 1st comment)

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