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• The way that the brain actually change its synaptic connections to support better performance is through the release of chemicals that are triggered by errors: mismatches between our sensory, motor and cognitive maps.

• Errors in performance, are what actually trigger the process of brain change. The way to activate neuroplasticity is to create mismatches or errors in how we perform things, mismatches means something is wrong, something is different, something isn't completely being achieved.

• Making errors over and over and over again out of sync of what we like to do is the way to shape your nervous system so it perform better and better and better. Errors is the BASIS for learning, even if the subjective feelings is that of frustration.

• Even the field of machine learning (ML) or AI is built on backpropagation algorithm which have errors as a basis of learning.

So embrace error making that doesn't have the risk of complete ruin.

  • 1
    • Nice!...This fits with the common Aphorism:

      "Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment."

      • 💓 1
      • Exactly!. Initial bad judgment (non-ruining mistake) have the function of preventing all future similar bad judgments. To prevent big mistakes you need similar much smaller "mistakes" that happen before it.

        • 1
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